Download torrent files from any download manager using
Hi folks. Everyone knows that torrents are the great source of downloads. Whether it is Movies, games, e-books, softwares or other stuffs torrent always dominates. But the download speed is the big problem with the torrents especially when you're working on a slow connection. On the other hand, download managers like IDM provides a great download speed but unable to download torrent files. Torrent files are in encrypted form and can only be decrypted by using the torrent tools.The last trick I shared here for this task is no longer working because the closed their shop. So here is the new trick where we gonna use to get the direct links for our torrent files.
Follow these steps:
- Grab your .torrent file first which you wish to download.
- Now go to
- Sign up for a new account in case you don't have.
- Login to the website.